Thursday, October 15, 2009

Time out for Theta Mom Thursday

Every mom needs time to herself...and Theta mom said I should spend an hour on myself, so I did! (I love having someone else to 'blame').  How did I spend my hour? Playing with all my new Uppercase Living stuff, of course! I recently got my Photo prints, and some new vehicles for Captain Chaos' room, so I put them up, and they look darn cute if I do say so myself! I also made some really cute coasters for my boss, and the hands board for Captain Chaos to put his cute little handprints on.  Oh how I love making new UL things! If you're curious, would like more info, or want to get your own UL products, visit my website -  It's such a great stress reliever, and an even better way to decorate your home!


  1. I love Uppercase Living! I have probably one in almost every room of my home. :) Thanks for sharing your time out and I look forward to getting to know you better!

  2. I have never heard of uppercase living. Gonna check it out. sounds very cool! Glad you got a wonderful time out! have a fabu week!

  3. i have never heard of uppercase living? i am on my way to check it out now! it sounds so great!!!!! I love redecorating my house!

  4. Gettin' crafty is always a great way to unwind.

  5. I just spent like 30 minutes on the Upper Case Living website. I had never heard of them before.

    Getting crafty is always my favorite time-out!

    Thanks for joinging us.

    Happy Time-Out Thursday!

  6. Hi. I've never heard of Upper Case Living. I guess I'll check it out.

  7. I came across Uppercase Living about 2 years ago, became a demo last year and absolutely love it. I'll post some pictures of things I've done at my house. Everything on the site comes in any color that UL offers, and in several sizes. You can customize everything to your home, and if you don't see something on the site, you can design your own! It's really fun, and a great, easy way to make extra cash.
